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Elevenlabs Introducing the ElevenLabs Reader App: ElevenLabs Update

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Introducing the ElevenLabs Reader App

Ever found yourself bumping into obstacles while trying to catch up on reading during your commute? Podcasts and audiobooks are great, but most of our content still comes in text form. Enter the ElevenLabs Reader App, designed to convert any text content into audio using ElevenLabs' extensive voice library, which includes a variety of voices to suit any content, mood, or occasion.

Key Features and Testimonials:
  • Listen to any article, PDF, ePub, newsletter, or text on your phone.
  • Beta testers praise the app's enunciation, tone, and fluidity.
  • Works perfectly for reviewing documents and catching up on items.
  • Perfect usability and seamless maintenance of tone and voice through long articles.
  • Especially transformative for users with visual impairments.

Why the Reader App?

ElevenLabs aims to make content accessible in any language and voice. It's not enough to create top-notch AI audio models; the mission includes providing tools and interfaces for both creators and consumers.

What's Coming Next?
  • Offline support and sharing capabilities.
  • Audio in more languages—current support is only in English, but expansion to 29 languages is planned.
  • Additional ways to add content: RSS feeds, AI summarization, and more.


The ElevenLabs Reader App is available today for iOS users in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. Once multilingual support is added, it will launch globally. Download on iOS here and join the Android waitlist here. Enjoy 3 months of free use.